This is a story...
Growing up, I can honestly say, I was an odd kid. Well, maybe odd isn't the word, but I wasn't always what I imagine is normal. I was that kid, who didn't like pizza. When in Pizza Hut, I'd only eat the bread sticks. I also was afraid of roller coasters and would avoid them at all cost.I still have some fear of heights to this day. I also found myself fascinated in things like "Star Wars" and baseball. This was a focus in my life. I wanted to play for the Mets or be a Jedi.As I grew up things changed of course. I found out Pizza was actually quite delicious and roller coasters were fun (although I still hate heights). Also, I still love Star Wars and Baseball so very much. Sadly, I never became a Jedi or a Mets player.
Frustrated with faith
I've been frustrated lately with Christianity. It seems to be something that I can't pin-point. I hope no one takes this as bashing Christians because its not the case. My quest is to understand what it means to be a Christian. I have been reading the gospels and am amazed how Jesus does life. Then even looking in Acts and seeing what we know as the "Church".
I've been seeing huge differences from what Christian society is today. It's not all of it but it seems like being a Christian has changed. There seems like such a disunity among the church with all these different views being thrown around. It seems like if someone sees something different in theology, such as when the millennium will happen, then they can't be a part of that church. I mean we have so many denominations. I understand that maybe different churches fit better for different cultures but why does it seem like our churches are so different.
Even our means of worship; people are expected to worship a certain way. If your dancing, your a lunatic in some places, and if you don't raise your hands your not really in deep worship with the Lord. I just don't get it. It doesn't say much about how to properly worship other than to worship God with all your heart. Whether it be through teaching, song, etc. I guess I just don't feel like I fit within Christian society anymore. I feel like a black sheep. I don't fit the idea of "Christians". I'm so simple. I follow what Jesus commands to love God with all my heart, mind, and soul and love others.
I don't care to argue theology unless it's 5 big points of Christian theology. I don't want to talk about predestination and freewill when there is people out there who at this point need to know Jesus. I'm not saying theology isn't important, I'm just saying sometimes we get caught up in the not as important parts of Christianity. I'm not the type of person who speaks "Christianese" or whatever it's called but I like honest conversation. I like to talk about Jesus and make it personal. I want people to see it means something not only in speech but in my actions (I try really hard here because I want to follow Christ commands).
In conclusion
I suppose my questions are coming from my frustration because I strive to follow Christ and I still feel like a black sheep. I find it's hard when in a school because of how I feel and knowing I will be scorned due to my thoughts. Yet I love Jesus. I will try to live obediently and go to scripture for truth. I suppose I will be a black sheep. I will have to live with that until God either reveals I'm wrong or right. Either way, I will look to find Christ in all this chaos. He is my safety when I'm lost.
Once again, I hope no one takes offense. This is me just expressing my thoughts. I think more Christians should express themselves. We deserve to have an open discussion in churches. I believe it enhances the faith.
In parting, I will let the words of scripture seep into our hearts and minds...
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
Deuteronomy 6:5