Thursday, August 24, 2017

We need more cussin' Christians

Being Real

I had a friend when I was going through school. He was one of the most real people I've ever met. He went to church with me for a time when I was in high school. He came to my church after going through a pretty difficult situation in his life. He found himself in a broken state. During this time at my church, he was introduced to Jesus. From that moment, he changed and God brought to light the person my friend had become. 

The reason I mentioned that he was the most real person, was because when he made a lot of mistakes, but was willing to admit to them. He also just said what was on his heart. He didn't care how ridiculous it sounded to others, he spoke from the heart. Trust me, there were times you just shook your head but occasionally he had some powerful words for me.

He was not afraid of peoples perceptions. I thought that was cool because so often we try to please people. His prayers were not elegant, which made them truly beautiful. He also cussed, which I thought at the time was so terrible, now I kind envy him for staying true to himself.

My friend I haven't seen in many years but I'm sure is still the same. My hope is that he does remain the same guy that I knew in those years.

Model Citizen 

I like to think more Christian's should be like my friend. I think they should be open about there mistakes and I think they should cuss more.  In the American church, we came to the conclusion we needed to fit this "Christian" persona. 

I believe that we need to shake things up and real people will come out of hiding. We need those Christians who love Jesus but still are rough around the edges. We need those guys and gals who doubt, cuss, and yet understand the grace of God.  We need more Tax-Collectors who beat there chest towards Heaven and say, "God have mercy on me, a sinner"(Lk 18:13). 

Don't get me wrong. I still believe in sin. I do, believe we are called to be different from the world. I also believe that Jesus wants to see people be real. I mean we have to ask how easy it is to walk into church and just be in church. The church has become more of the building than the people. The church is suppose to be a place we should feel safe. Safe to express our thoughts, safe to explore our doubts, and most of all to have conversations.

I think the church is great. My point is not to downplay the role of the church in society. I believe it has more to do with the christian individual. I think we lost focus a bit.

 How often do people disagree on theology in churches. I'm not talking the big points of theology, I mean little things. For instance, the role of women, styles of worship, and the role of the pastor. I mean honestly, who cares. Who cares if the pastor preaches or has a open discussion. Who cares if a women becomes a pastor or a leader in the church. I don't think anyone is going to hell. I don't think God won't use the situation regardless. Isn't he the God of the universe?

I think it's sad that we have a lot of people leaving the church. I know with working with lots of individuals, people have doubts. I mean to believe takes a lot of faith. People will struggle with understanding ideas like hell, salvation, etc. I believe we should instead of telling them they are wrong, listen and discuss it.

I'm tired of not being real. I want to discuss some of my thoughts on God, society, etc.


At work, I had a training for all staff. It was to understand the vision of the organization. There was a lot of good things said but in particular something stood out to me. The presenter spoke about the idea of safe people. The idea is that no one is 100% safe other than God. Yet, there are people that are 70% safe. This means that they are people who are trustworthy, that walk alongside you. You know they will fail you occasionally because they are human but they are good people. 

I've done a lot of soul searching. I've dove into conversation with God about my thoughts. Sometimes I get answers, sometimes I don't. Regardless, I wrestle with God in these times. I don't look at it as unbelief, but more of trying to understand God's heart. I know I won't get answers I expect but at least I'm showing the desire to know God's heart more.

The main idea of this was first, Jesus is the one who we can fully trust with our thoughts, feelings, etc. He's the one who can answer all things. Yet, I believe Christians should be the 70% of safe people. We should be the people who are real and honest about our lives. Lot's of people feel shame, hurt, afraid, etc. As Christians, we should be there to listen and love. 

Let's be the 70% of safe people. Let's allow ourselves to not get caught up in keeping a persona. Let's be real. Let's allow God to use us through our love and peacemaking. 

Maybe things won't change but let's give others a reason to think again about Jesus and what he can do.

Just some thoughts...

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