Introduction to Finality
I will be the first to admit that I dramatize events in my life. If you look deep down inside, you probably do too. It's natural because we want our lives to be noticed or important. I believe this happens because of TV shows.
I love a good show. I love something that draws you in and makes you feel a part of the characters lives. I love when you have someone else who understands one-liners from a show. I love the music at the throughout or at the end of an episode that gives the emotional impact my heart desires.
One of the best things though about watching a show, is when it gets to the final episode. The one where everything you love about the show is wrapped up in a, hopefully, satisfying way. Finales are kind of the swan song to those who have been loyal. It's as if the writers, directors, producers, just want to say thank you (unless you watch How I Met Your Mother or Lost).
A Sitcom Part of Life
I believe finales are also a big part of life. A finale is kind of saying good-bye to a part of your life and welcoming a new one. This isn't to say you leave it all behind, but you are embracing a new way. For example, with friendships, you might move away but it doesn't change the fact your friends. You are just now embracing a different and new type of relationship. This is a necessary part of life.
We are made to change. We need to sometimes be forced to change. For instance, in my life right now, I'm going from just a husband to now a father. As I write that it freaks me out (probably a good thing). Yet as I'm bringing this season of being just a husband to an end, I'm still a husband. The difference is now I'm also going to be a father. My relationship will change with my wife but it will begin a new chapter of growth for us. With every end, a new story begins.
Adventuring Off Into New Territory

I mean when you were Jewish in this time, you had to follow this law very closely. It was everything from dietary to even the amount you work. To hear that a man name Jesus had changed things. Not only did he change the law but now those who follow Jesus can be outsiders (Acts 10 if you want to read more). That's a lot of change and can be overwhelming.
Yet, even in the midst of those changes, those who embraced what God was doing, found joy. God, through the Holy Spirit, soften the hearts of man and helped them embrace that the law of grace was now the law of the land. This was the finale of there past and their new future. This isn't to say they said "Screw it" to all their practices, but they embraced a new way of living.
This is something we often must go through in order to grow. God will change things up because ultimately He has insight that will bring joy. It will bring peace. It will bring about something new.
Swan Song
Saying good-byes are hard. Moving onto something new is never easy. Embracing change has never been a strong point in my life. Yet, after 27 years of change, I'm learning that it's good. We are given the chance to learn something new, to embrace new challenges, and grow into the person God has us to be. God has obviously opened the door for you, maybe it's time to just jump and know He will catch you.
I think it's okay to be a bit sad. I don't think we should say it's wrong. It's not like I'm telling God, you have burden me with this change. The sadness we feel is the ending of an era. I always feel it after major events in life like moving, graduating, etc. Finales are suppose to make us feel something. It is suppose to make us think about life. Finales are suppose to look back and remember the good God has done and realize the good he has for our futures. I believe that's why different people made call backs to people or events in scripture because they wanted people to remember God is good and will take care of them.
It's okay to look back on a finale in life and remember those events. We just can't get stuck in them and allow it to hold us back. We must embrace whatever is next in life. Why you may ask? It's because we are made to grow. We are meant to understand that God has purpose for us. His purpose is to show His glory and love to others. We are vessels who have the Spirit of God. Due to that, we don't just stay in one place. We move on. We embrace new things in life.
I guess it's time to move again...