Saturday, February 11, 2017

It's All Crazy

Throwing it down

Lately society has been in a crazy binge of “let’s take action”. We got liberals, conservatives, vegans, Patriot fanatics, and Marvel fans feeling the need to speak their peace. Social media via Twitter and Facebook erupt with ideological debates between the many groups.

It’s not hard to find yourself drawn in by the debates. It’s not wrong to find yourself getting a little fired up. It’s not unusual to find yourself doubting your beliefs. I actually enjoy the fact it makes us think. It forces us as human beings to study things on multiple levels. It engages our ethics, our theology, our human nature. It allows us to question the world.

Balancing Act

I am, myself, going through this gauntlet. Many questions run through my mind. These questions range from, “What will happen to my kids future?" to "Do we abuse our rights?"

The latter of the two questions has really been on my mind lately. I keep hearing from people that they have the right to do what they want (whether in videos or conversation). This doesn’t mean doing illegal activities. It’s more like they have the right to marry who they want or the right to voice their opinion.

This is really a tricky subject because I feel like these statements have a hint of hypocrisy. My reason for stating this is because, in America, if we truly believe in freedoms of speech, then isn't everyone entitled to their opinion.  

For instance, years ago, Chick-Fil-A had a thing where people were upset with one mans belief in marriage. Yes, I know this is a touchy subject for many people, but the person was stating his belief; as were the protesters stating their opposite belief. Sure it’s not necessarily the most tolerant statement in the US culture, but the man has the right to speak his opinion.


Growing up in a culture that is built on so much freedom, I am thankful. Yet with everything, there are consequences that come with our freedoms. As a Christian, many people peg me with a lot of preconceived notions, whether true or not. I am labeled and put into a category.

The truth is, I am a believer in Jesus Christ, and I believe what the Bible says. It is a part of me. I cannot change that part of me and will not. This doesn’t mean that I don’t differ from others who have the name “Christian”, but at the end of the day, I still love those with whom I don’t agree.

There is not a day that goes by where I do not strive to love my neighbor, even if I don't agree with a lifestyle or political ideas. I believe this to be the hardest thing to do. It’s hard to love and to respect someone who feels different about something.

I don't believe I have any rights to be honest. I gave those away once I chose to follow Christ. Following Jesus won't be easy for me. People will hate me, disagree, and sometimes think less of me. That’s part of the cross Christians must bear.

Ultimately, I think it’s great seeing people fight for the rights of others. I love to see a day where we have no more poverty and wars. Due to my beliefs, that time is coming and won’t be seen until then. This isn’t an excuse to not try but I know that perfection will only come when Christ returns.


Christians, I pray we are able to be examples as well. Let’s not be in division but of one mind. We all know that God appoints leaders. We know that God will provide in our times of need. We also know a time is coming where we will no longer suffer. Let’s spread the hope!

In the end, let’s just be respectful. Let’s try to fight battles in a different way. Let’s stop calling names. Let’s use the rights we were blessed with to bring peace.

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