Saturday, February 11, 2017

How A forgettable Zac Efron Movie Changed My Life

Zac Efron's Life Changing Movie

I watched this movie called “We Are Your Friends”. It was a movie that starred Zac Efron. To be honest, the movie was quite forgettable. I expected more from a movie involving a DJ trying to make it big.

There was one question asked by the main characters friend asked. He said, “Are we ever going to be better than this”?

Being a Christian, this seems like an irrational question. I’ll be the first to admit, I don’t like the idea of Christians not asking questions. I mean there is clearly a difference between asking God questions and questioning God. Also I believe, God is graceful, and allows us to go through a time of questioning to grow stronger.

Are We Better Than This?

Will Conforto be better or bust???
Are we ever going to be better than this? This was a question that I honestly asked myself for a month. As some know, I lost my job. I was embarrassed, disappointed, and lacking confidence. It doesn’t help when you tell people, and you see in their eyes pity. Then people feel the need to encourage. Not that it’s a bad thing but it’s hard to hear in the hurt. Eventually you do but it took time. As a person, I pride myself on my work. To be let go was like losing my identity. 

Losing your identity is not as cool as the Bourne movies make it seem. To be honest, it wasn’t awesome in those movies either. During this month, I felt inadequate. I was waiting on jobs and not much really showed up. I knew I was having a baby in the summer, and I felt like I let my child down. I was supposed to provide. I felt my world crumbling.

It’s funny how God uses these situations. I looked to so many things to rescue me from my despair. I tried to distract myself with people, TV shows, books, but nothing made it better. It was in the moment I asked my questions to God that things started moving.


To be honest, it wasn’t instantaneous but it was quicker than I thought. The more I poured my heart out; God gave understanding. God spoke in a whisper that I choose to ignore. Let’s just say that whisper got a lot louder.

I’m not normally one for clichés but God does provide. It’s like Job. He gives us time to sit in our questions, and then He makes His thoughts known. It doesn’t matter how many people tell you that God will provide, God will speak for Himself. In my weakest moments, it was only His speaking into my life that pulled me out.

I remember, while I was walking and praying, that moment God spoke the truth I needed. It was simple. God said, “Ask for forgiveness. You need to let go of these feelings”. To explain this more, I was in a bad place. Not only was I tanking in my own self worth, but I was also angry with others. I hated the people who, in my mind, let me down. I wanted justice. I wanted to see others suffer.

It wasn’t until God said, “You need to forgive” that I finally saw restoration. You see God doesn’t identify you by your job. He identifies you by your heart. When you say you love Jesus but your heart is not in the right place, that’s where grace needs to open our eyes. I am a product of Christ. His death and resurrection are within me. They are what make me free. At the end of the day, I can be a CEO or cashier, as long as I strive to love and follow Christ, I am already better than I was before.


Labels do not define us. We are not made the same. We are unique and beautiful. God is working in us and will use our gifts and us. In times of trouble, He just wants us to come to Him. He doesn’t want us to focus on how others view us but how He views us. We are made complete because of Him. We must cling to that idea. I am made alive in Christ. I am valued because of Christ. I am greatly loved!

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