Sunday, June 24, 2018

Rethinking Christianity: Consequences of Asking More Questions

Breaking Bad: New Way of Thinking

I recently listened to The Bad Christian podcast, which if you don't know much about it, is a podcast of three men who were looking to get more authentic with faith. The podcast doesn't always involve faith topics but diet, technology, etc.

This particular podcast stood out to me. It had a transgender man named Austen Hartke. Austen was speaking about his book and talking a bit about his story. I'll be the first to say I don't have much experience with transgender individuals and I figured it'd be good for me to listen.

Throughout the conversation it really made me quite uncomfortable. Austen talked a lot about his journey and how God was speaking to him in the midst of this journey. Now remember, I was brought up in church and went to a conservative Bible College, this kind of was pissing on what I had learned. Yet however uncomfortable I felt, I became more and more intrigued that I couldn't help but being drawn in. 

At one point, one of the podcast interviewers asked a question about what he identifies more with, being transgender or a Christian. I had thought it would be his sexuality if I'm being honest. Austen said that he identified more with being a Christian than a transgender man.

That statement hit me like a truck. Everything that I thought, heard, or even pretended to believe, was just thrown out the window. Was this the beginning of my fall into deconstructing my beliefs until I hit rock bottom? Probably not, but it was the beginning to my journey into shutting up and listening and being open to conversation.

Stop, Listen, and ask questions

Like I mentioned above, I had been in the church my whole life, and gone to a christian college. I literally have a B.S. in Bible (it's kind of funny writing that on here). I mean I've read countless books on faith, theology, and how to walk through a day as a christian. I mean I'll be honest, I thought I got the christian thing down pretty well.

The fact of the matter, is this journey had begun during my internship. My pastor and friend, Gary had challenged my thinking on a few occasions. I like to give him credit for me rethinking about what it means to "do ministry". I believe this really helped me get to where I am now.

By no means am I going to be bashing the church or Christianity, because I believe that it's very important to our world and my life. I just think maybe we've kind of gotten a little more political and stuck in our ways.

My understanding of who God is in my life has changed. My understanding of His love and grace surpasses my understanding each day. In the midst of my understanding his grace and love, it has allowed me to stop, listen and ask questions. 

One of the things that I appreciate about my parents is they did take time to answer my questions and explain things to the best of their knowledge. God had used them to teach me that sometimes it's good to sit and listen. 

This is something that as the church and I'll go as far as society isn't very good at. We can listen until we disagree, then we have to push back. Don't get me wrong, it's go to push back, but there is a better way. Most push back is a emotional response to us disagreeing and trying to be right. What I am trying to say, is even when we disagree, we should sit and listen. 

It's when we sit and listen that we really can understand someone else and their ideals. I think people are more comfortable when we don't speak right away and ask questions. Let's be honest, there is a lot about life, we don't fully understand. We've gotten these ideas and preconceived thoughts that drive our thinking. Prime example, can be seen in music. My friend might say, I should listen to Taylor Swifts new music, but how I feel about her music (and her personally) it may deter me from hearing a decent album. Just a disclaimer, I don't really like her music but it's the best thing I could come up with.

When we listen it allows us to have a good conversation. It allows us to ask questions. I mean we see questions used in the Bible. We even see Jesus ask questions (Who do you think I am? Just one example). I think when we are interacting with new ideas it's good to take time and talk to someone. This means not accusing, pushing our agenda, but questions and trying to understand. How are we ever going to learn something unless we ask questions. 

By no means do I mean you have to agree with someone. I believe we can disagree and yet still be okay with one another. I mean I'm still friends with my buddy Josh even though he likes the Yankees (yes I'm a sad Mets fan). I think it's okay to be friends with people who don't agree with you. Actually if your friends just agree with everything you say, I'd say someone's lying. 

I guess what the whole point of me even writing this is to say, we need to open ourselves up to listening to others. It's time to open our ears to different ideas, beliefs, and Yankee fans (I couldn't help myself). Like I said, you don't have to agree, but I believe Jesus wants us to listen. He may even teach you something new and change the way you think. I believe Jesus is always teaching us something new! 

So please Stop, listen, and ask questions. It will definitely make you a lifelong learner. 

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