Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Parties with Ewoks

ROTJ V. Empire

I remember always liking the movie “Return of the Jedi”. I would say it’s mostly based on nostalgia to me. I mean, we get the opening rescue of Han Solo, the final battle between Luke and Vader, and the end of the empire. Plus, who doesn’t love those amazing Ewoks. They literally took down an empire!

One of the reasons I love this movie is how it wraps up. This shouldn’t be a spoiler, seeing that this movie is almost 40 years old, but I will mention I’m spoiling the ending. The end of ROTJ (Return of the Jedi) is when the rebels defeat the Empire by blowing up the Death Star (for the second time). Also we see the redemption of Darth Vader, who being Luke’s father, becomes one with the force. Then there is a celebration with the Ewoks which ends with Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Vader (or Anakin) looking on our heroes. Redemption at it's finest.

I love this movie because it ends on a good note. It ends with our heroes winning and defeating the evil empire. It feels good when the hero you've followed wins. It’s probably why I like comic books as a whole. The heroes typically win.

I like stories that end with the happy ever after vibe. I think most people like that feeling too. We like when things go well. Yet, life has proven that sometimes things don’t work out the way it does in movies.

A Dark Knight

Sometimes we witness heroes losing in the end (see Dark Knight). Sometimes things in life are left unresolved. It’s not to say that good things don’t happen but rather we experience life where it doesn’t end with us celebrating with Ewoks (also they aren't real).

Currently, I feel that a lot of people are experiencing this feeling of anxiety. There are a lot of questions that need to still be answered. I mean we are dealing with COVID, race issues, riots, and elections that seem like they are lose-lose. Plus we have to deal with varying opinions of these topics and Lord knows media consumption hasn’t helped.

I’ll be the first person to admit that I feel there is no good ending. I mean the election in November scares the hell out of me because either outcome can lead to more issues. There are days I’d like to curl up into a ball and just sleep. I hate that feeling because I know that I’m not in this world to just give up and hide.

There is the part on a spiritual level, wondering what on earth God is doing. It’s not that I don’t believe he can’t do something at this time but rather, wanting to know the purpose of what’s going on. I want to understand.

I know God’s purposes are above my own but does it have to be so tiring. I want justice to be given to oppressed communities. I want COVID to be cured. I want our country to unite and not be one team against the other. I want things to work out in order for all parties to be heard and learn to work in harmony.

I realize that is a big order to fill. I realize that we are human. I realize that harmony may be impossible. This is what I grieve.

I grieve because I know Jesus can restore. I know Jesus can hear the cries of the afflicted. I know Jesus can heal it. I also know that it might not be the correct time for it. If I’m being truthful, that pisses me off.

Finding footing in the midst of COVID

I’ve experienced some frustration towards Jesus because I want peace. I want peace in my soul and for others as well. Yet, here we are six months later and things don’t seem to be going in a positive direction. It has made me feel Jesus isn’t enough. I feel dirty writing that statement, but it’s something that I’ve felt.

There are days in the last six months I wanted to give up on the christian thing. I wanted to lose some of the anxiety it caused me. Then I find myself looking back to a part of the Bible that reminds me that Jesus is with me. That he is with me through my darkest. Even though moments I don’t see the end.

If you get a chance, read the whole book of Lamentations and especially chapter 3. This is a portion of it but I wanted to share it. Without further to do: Lamentations 3:19-27

Remember my affliction and my wanderings,

the wormwood and the gall!

My soul continually remembers it

and is bowed down within me.

But this I call to mind,

and therefore I have hope:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;[b]

his mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.

“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,

“therefore I will hope in him.”

The Lord is good to those who wait for him,

to the soul who seeks him.

It is good that one should wait quietly

for the salvation of the Lord.

It is good for a man that he bear

the yoke in his youth.

I always go to this passage in hard times because it reminds me of a few things. The first is that it’s okay to feel beat up. You don’t have to hide the feelings of anxiety and frustration. It’s kind of silly for me to hide my feelings towards Jesus, he already knows. I also think it’s good to share these with other Christians. I believe there are many who feel the same. Maybe it’s a matter of starting the conversation.

The second part that I get out of this passage, is that God hasn’t abandoned us. Now during this passage, it’s during a time of exile for the biblical writer. To be clear, because of the sin of the people of Israel, it led them to exile. Yet in this beautifully poetic piece of writing, we are reminded that God is with us. We are reminded his mercies are new everyday. He hasn’t changed his love for us because we are bitter, rather he is trying to remind us that he’s with us. He is Emmanuel (God with us).

Lastly, I think this is important to remember. We sometimes need to wait because that is what is good for us. I always thought this was a weird idea. I mean people have died, people have been hurt, I don’t want to wait. Sometimes, we must wait and in those times God can still restore our souls. This doesn’t mean you're always going to enjoy it because most likely you won’t but it’s a time of growing. In that waiting, sometimes you find ways to help with the problems or learn ways that you can help.

Now I will admit, this ending is quite optimistic. Maybe this is a “Return of The Jedi” kind of writing but I think it’s probably more “Empire Strikes Back”. I mean I’m in a better head space but there is still much unresolved. Also I’m still pissed about issues in our world. I guess today I’m embracing Jesus' mercies and hoping tomorrow it continues. One day I will get to that ROTJ moment whether here or in the next life. Until then, I embrace the fact that I must wrestle with God throughout life. God is good. Also Empire Strikes back is the better movie but I just love me some Return of the Jedi.

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