Wednesday, February 24, 2021

I Want To Get Better

I'm Angry

We have to be better. When I say we, I speak with the many other Christians in America. I’ve read up on some of the scandals of Hillsong Church and Ravi Zacharias and I’m extremely upset. I’m upset because of the ramifications that happen to Jesus. I’m upset because as Christians, we should be talking about this kind of stuff.

I can honestly say, I understand wanting to hide the battles we may be having with sin, whether it be lust, dishonesty, or many other things. Yet I know there comes a point where we need to admit our issue and deal with it. As Christians, we understand we are flawed, and we can’t just sweep it under the rug. God knows what we do in the dark.

It broke my heart reading about Zacharias telling women that if they spoke out against him, that these women would be responsible for the souls lost due to ruining his reputation. These women had to deal with the guilt and also the shame. This is not right. No woman should ever be treated or feel the weight of someone else's sin.

As Christians, we need to be responsible for our sin. We need to stop bullshitting people with our holiness and admit that we struggle. We need to call people out if they are doing something wrong. We need to be better.

I believe we need to protect people from the harm that can be done by people. When we hear people talk about abuse, we should look into it. We don’t just leave it to deaf ears. When someone is engaging in inappropriate relationships, we need to say something to them regardless of status. We need to do the work of restoration before people are too far gone. We need to stop using God to manipulate to get what we want.

I’m angry because I’ve known for many years that people can do the unthinkable in churches. I know that (including myself), I hide behind my mask of being okay when there are some things in my heart that aren’t right. Sin doesn’t discriminate, it has affected all of us. This means we need to deal with it before it hurts others and even ourselves.


I still believe that forgiveness can happen to those who might be involved in things like sexual misconduct. They must deal with consequences of those actions but God can restore. Jesus Christ still offers forgiveness through repentance. This hasn’t changed and I want people to know that Jesus is still salvation even if we sin. Yet we need to be able to own up to our sin and be able to turn away from it.

At the end of the day my frustration comes from a place of wanting the church of America to be one of change. I want the church to be one of repentance and freedom. I want it to be a place that recognizes the influence it has and can have in the name of Jesus.

Jesus is good and is patient. We need to understand this and move forward in the way that we are called to be. Jesus is good and forgives but we must also be able to admit our own sin. Thank you Jesus you still are good in the midst of our garbage.

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